NCJ Number
Date Published
65 pages
The study used a true experimental design in evaluating the impact on repeat domestic violence (DV) of an intervention program for DV arrestees detained in the Sacramento County Jail (California).
The study found that the treatment and control groups both had just over 65 percent of the men in the sample rearrested for a new DV offense during the 6 months after arrest. Both groups had just over 68 percent of the sample rearrested for a new DV offense after 12 months following arrest. There was no difference between the treatment and control groups on the prevalence, frequency, and time-to-failure for new arrests. Statistically significant differences in the treatment and control groups were found for batterer self-reported alcohol and marijuana use, with the treatment group performing better in this area. Based on victim accounts of DV recidivism, there was no difference between the treatment and control groups regarding the prevalence, frequency, and time-to-failure for perpetrators' controlling behavior, physical abuse, or any other type of DV. Batterer self-reports were favorable for the treatment sample compared to the control sample only for controlling behaviors. The program was operated from a special wing in the jail that was separate from the regular population of inmates. The program targeted defendants who were charged with DV offenses but had little or no prior criminal record. Program objectives were to raise awareness of the seriousness of their behaviors, educate them in nonviolent conflict resolution skills, increase receptivity to long-term treatment, provide opportunity for drug and alcohol interventions, and reduce DV recidivism. Data were collected on 629 arrest cases for male-perpetrated DV in Sacramento County from September 27, 1999, to August 6, 2000. 13 tables and 119 references.
Date Published: January 1, 2005
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