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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Multimedia Listing

Crime File: Legalization of Drugs

January 1990


This Crime File video presents overview of the nature and effects of some drug legalization in Holland; followed by an examination of arguments for and against drug legalization as presented by panelists Ethan Nadelmann, assistant professor at Princeton University, and Herbert Kleber, deputy director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Crime File: Drug Testing

January 1986

In this Crime File video, James Q. Wilson moderates a panel of three (Jay Carver, Director of the D.C. Pretrial Services Program; Elizabeth Symmonds, attorney with the Capitol Area Affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union; and Dr. Eric Wish, a drug researcher)

Crime File: Drug Trafficking

January 1986

In this Crime File video, James Q. Wilson moderates a panel of three (Mark Kleiman, Harvard University Research Fellow; Mark Moore, Harvard University Professor; and John Lawn, Administrator of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency), this team discusses Federal and local enforcement strategies against drug trafficking.

Crime File: Neighborhood Safety

January 1985

One of the series of videos from the 'Crime File' public affairs program, this video on neighborhood safety mainly uses a panel interview to describe, evaluate, and identify success factors for police-citizen crime prevention programs; programs considered include citizen patrol, block watch, police 'storefront' services, and police door-to-door contact with citizens.

Crime File: Victims

January 1985


One of the series of videotapes from the 'Crime File' public affairs program, this video on victims uses a panel interview and other interview segments in considering crime victims' needs and attitudes, victim compensation, victim impact statements, and measures for improving victim services.

Crime File: Deadly Force

January 1985
This Crime File video considers the rationales and consequences of various police policies on the use of deadly force, using an interview panel and tape segments pertaining to the New York City Police Department's policy and training on the use of deadly force as well as the Memphis Police Department's (Tennessee) policy in this area.

Crime File: Exclusionary Rule

January 1984

This video, in the Crime File series, presents background material on some U.S. Supreme Court decisions pertinent to the use of the exclusionary rule in sanctioning illegal police searches and seizures (Mapp v. Ohio and Shepherd v. Massachusetts); the moderator, James Q. Wilson, poses questions to Professor Yale Kamisar, University of Michigan Law School, and D. Lowell Jensen, Associate Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, designed to probe the controversial implications of the exclusionary rule.