Number of Awards: 32
Total Amount Awarded: $15,257,608
Accuracy, Efficacy, and Reproducibility of Muzzle-to-Target Distance Determination using Gunshot Residue
An Image Analysis Framework for Objective Color Interpretation of Seized Drug Tests
Capturing nuclear DNA from hair shafts
Comparison of Examiner Conclusions with Score-based Likelihood Ratios for Cartridge Case Evidence
Comprehensive Evaluation of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Approaches to Predict Evaporation of Ignitable Liquids for Fire Debris Applications
Democratizing investigative genetic genealogy
Developing a Portable and Fast Opioid Assessment Tool for Improved Field Decision-Making
Developing and Validating Standards for Dental Cementum Age-at-Death and Season-of-Death Estimation
Developmental Validation of a Novel Multi-analyte Recovery Method for Trace Biological Samples
Empirical Analysis of Saw Mark Characteristics in Human Bone: Meeting Forensic Standards in Dismemberment Cases
Evaluating the reliability and accuracy of multiple geophysical methods in the search for clandestine graves
Evaluation of Target Enrichment for SNP Genotyping of Skeletal Remains
Experimental and numerical investigations for the development and validation of thermo-chemistry models and property databases for selected wall lining materials under fire exposure
Impact of Relic DNA on Forensic Microbiome Applications in Criminal Investigations
Mechanics of Retinal Hemmorhage in Abusive Head Trauma
Meeting National Safety Council Recommendations: Accurate Rapid Tests and Laboratory Confirmation Procedures for Fentanyl and Prevalent Opioids in Oral Fluid
Nanoparticle-Decorated Micropillars As Integrated Raman Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Substrates for Quantitative and High-Throughput Toxicology Drug Analysis
Optimizing Analytical Parameters for Detection of Chronic and Single Dose Drug Exposure in Forensic Hair Analysis
Optimizing New STRs for Enhanced DNA Mixture Deconvolution
Quantification of psychotropic cannabinoids in newly emerging hemp-derived products and evaluation of their stability and interconversion during storage
Quantifying the strength of support in fingerprint casework comparisons
Quantitative and visual prediction of eye, hair and skin color from DNA
Quantitative Assessment of Fracture Characteristics in Blunt Force Skeletal Trauma for Forensic Interpretations
Rapid screening and identification of fentanyl in drug mixtures using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Recovery and Analysis of Less Volatile Components for the Identification of Ignitable Liquid Residues in Fire Debris - Continuation of current NIJ-funded project (2020-DQ-BX-0003)
Within the "Potential Impact" discussion under "Merit Review Criteria," the bullets under "Potential for innovative solution to address (all or a significant part of) the stated forensic science problem" have been updated.