NIJ is seeking applications for funding multiple projects in support of criminal justice researcher-practitioner partnerships, as well as capturing, in detail, relevant accounts of these collaborations. This solicitation specifically aims to support activities that capture and build on these efforts and that provide opportunities for creating, enhancing, and sustaining criminal justice researcher-practitioner partnerships that will lead to better criminal justice policy, practice, and research. Projects that address issues and agencies in the juvenile justice system are also eligible. NIJ is interested in applications under one of the two following areas.Area 1: Junior Faculty Grant Program to Promote Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships.Area 2: Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Fellowship Placement Program.
Number of Awards: 5
Total Amount Awarded: $1,814,929
Area 1: Evaluating Reentry in Iowa: Context, Treatment Provision, Individual Propensity and Recidivism
Assessing the Effects of Hot Spots Policing Strategies on Police Legitimacy, Fear of Crime, and Willingness to Participate in Building Collective Efficacy
Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Fellowship Placement Program: Determining the Timing of Parole Discharge Based on the Concept of "Redemption"
Florida Department of Corrections and Florida State University Research Project
Prosecution and Racial Justice in New York County
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