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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Expired Funding Opportunities


NIJ FY18 Graduate Research Fellowship in Social and Behavioral Sciences

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The NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program in Social and Behavioral Sciences is open to doctoral students in all social and behavioral science disciplines. This program provides awards to accredited academic institutions to support graduate research leading to doctoral degrees in areas that are relevant to ensuring public safety, preventing and controlling crime, and ensuring the effective administration of criminal justice in the United States. Of particular interest is research on issues deemed critical by the U.S.

NIJ FY17 ABCD Sub-Study on Social Development

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Funding from this award will support the first year of a sub-study involving 5 of the 21 ABCD sites to include measures of delinquency and victimization in their investigations. The sub-study will address key questions on the interactions between substance use, brain development, delinquency, and victimization. The ABCD Study is the largest longitudinal study of brain development and child health in the US, following approximately 10,000 children (ages 9-10) across 21 sites into their early adulthood years.

NIJ FY17 Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations

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Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Office of Science and Technology Continuations

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Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences Continuations

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Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY17 Non-solicited Applications

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Awards made under this funding opportunity are either made non-competitively or are the result of an administrative funding adjustment.

NIJ FY17 Evaluation of OVC's Vision 21: Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve: Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm

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The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has a longstanding history of collaboration with and supporting the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) on research, evaluation, and programmatic projects. With this solicitation, in partnership OVC, NIJ seeks competitive proposals for a single award that will support evaluation research on the Vision 21: Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve: Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm (Collective Healing).

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation in Safety, Health and Wellness in the Criminal Justice System

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The purpose of this solicitation is to promote multidisciplinary research in the area of safety, health, and wellness for the criminal justice community in support of the NIJ Safety, Health, and Wellness Strategic Research Plan 2016-2021. Applicants should submit proposals that address one of the three categories identified below. Application titles should clearly indicate the category proposed. Each category aligns with specific objectives within the Safety, Health, and Wellness Strategic Research Plan.

NIJ FY17 Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence - Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting Program (SAFE-ITR)

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The program will fund States, units of local government, and tribal governments to implement an evidence management program to inventory, track, and report untested and unsubmitted sexual assault kits (SAKs). From the time an evidence SAK is collected to the time it leaves the laboratory and the case receives final disposition in court, the status and location of the SAK will be known.

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime 2017

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NIJ's drugs and crime research portfolio promotes cost-efficient law enforcement, court, and corrections responses to illegal drug markets (including diversion of legal drugs) and criminal behavior related to illicit drug use. This FY2017 solicitation seeks investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research on criminal justice activities including: 1) criminal investigation and prosecution; and 2) drug intelligence and community surveillance.

NIJ FY17 Visiting Fellows Program

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Awards made under the NIJ Visiting Fellows Program will bring leading practitioners, policymakers, and researchers into residency at NIJ to make important scholarly contributions in their chosen fields of criminology or criminal justice research, and to work with the NIJ Director and staff to help shape the direction of NIJ's research programs.

NIJ FY17 Research on Hate Crimes

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NIJ is seeking research and evaluation related to bias crime perpetration and victimization. For this solicitation, NIJ is interested in research that 1) explores the characteristics and motivations of offenders, including pathways to bias-motivated criminal behavior; and 2) evaluates interventions with victims of bias crimes or individuals who commit hate crimes. Other proposals that address gaps in our ability to identify, assess, and understand the behavior of bias crime offenders or experiences of bias crime victims will be considered.

NIJ FY17 W.E.B. DuBois Program of Research on Race and Crime

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The W.E.B. Du Bois Program furthers the Department's mission by advancing knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture in various societal contexts. It supports research on the intersections of race, offending, victimization, and the fair administration of justice for both juveniles and adults. This solicitation seeks investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research on topics linked to race and crime in violence and victimization, crime and prevention, and justice systems (policing, courts, community and institutional corrections).

NIJ FY17 Research, Development, and Evaluation of Technologies to Improve School Safety

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This solicitation will support projects that (1) demonstrate and evaluate existing technologies, or that (2) develop, demonstrate, and evaluate innovative technologies. Potential applicants will be directed to NIJ-funded reports published in 2016 that describe current uses of and identified needs for school safety technology. Key findings from these reports will be presented in the solicitation as will key findings from recent literature reviews commissioned by NIJ that address issues of effectiveness and perceptions of school security.

NIJ FY17 New Investigator/Early Career Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

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The NIJ New Investigator/Early Career Program provides support for non-tenured assistant professors to conduct applied research on topics relevant to NIJ in the social/behavioral and STEM sciences. Applications must propose research led by a Principal Investigator (PI) who: was awarded a terminal degree no more than four (4) years ago; holds a non-tenured assistant professor position at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States; and has not previously served as PI on an NIJ research grant or fellowship .

NIJ FY17 Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence

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NIJ seeks investigator-initiated applications for funding for research and evaluation related to reducing firearms violence and understanding the causes and effects of firearms violence. This solicitation aims to strengthen our knowledge base and improve public safety by producing findings with practical implications for reducing firearms violence. This solicitation is focused specifically on producing research related to intentional, interpersonal firearms violence.

NIJ FY17 Comprehensive School Safety Initiative

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The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI) funds rigorous research to produce practical knowledge that can improve the safety of schools and students. The initiative is carried out through partnerships between researchers, educators and other stakeholders, including law enforcement and mental health professionals. Projects funded under the CSSI are designed to produce knowledge that can be applied to schools and school districts across the nation for years to come.

NIJ FY17 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices (Beyond Crime Reduction)

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With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding research and/or evaluation projects to examine the impacts of policing strategies and practices using outcome measures that consider crime reduction as well as other possible positive and negative impacts on individuals, neighborhoods, communities, and the policing organizations. NIJ will accept proposals to assess strategies and practices that focus on place (where crime occurs) or the individual-level, such as the Chicago (IL) Police Department's Strategic Subjects List intervention.

NIJ FY17 Research to Improve Officer Decision-making

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This solicitation will support projects to develop and/or evaluate innovative training to improve officer decision-making and in turn outcomes in police-citizen interactions. NIJ is particularly interested in the dosage and curriculum and in evaluations that can measure how the training received is transferred and applied to the actual work setting as well as outcomes associated with the training.

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism

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The Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism (DRVE) program addresses three major questions: (1) What are the primary drivers of radicalization to violent extremism, and how do they vary across cohorts (e.g., by grievance, by age, by socioeconomic categories)? (2) How is radicalization to violent extremism analogous to other forms of extreme violence, such as mass casualty events and gangs?

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence

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NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation of violence against women on the following topics (1) teen dating violence, (2) sexual violence, and (3) intimate partner violence. Specific areas of interest to NIJ are provided under each topic area, however, other areas of interest that offer important insights into teen dating violence, sexual violence, or intimate partner violence may receive equal attention.

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals

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NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation on the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals. NIJ is interested in research that either helps to define and operationalize polyvictimization among elderly individuals or to identify successful outcomes in elder abuse intervention research. These are two areas that have been identified as gaps for a number of years in the field.