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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Becoming a Peer Reviewer for NIJ

NIJ draws reviewers for both its ad hoc and standing review panels from diverse backgrounds and regions who have research knowledge, professional expertise and/or lived experience in across a wide range of justice-relevant areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Crime control and prevention
  • Community-based violence reduction
  • Criminology, law enforcement, or corrections
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Computer sciences
  • Investigative and forensic science and technology, including DNA analysis research and development
  • Justice systems and youth-based interventions
  • Law enforcement technologies
  • Violence, victimization, and trauma-informed responses.
  • Health sciences
  • Economics

Ad Hoc Review Panels

Some ad hoc reviews are conducted remotely, whereas others involve in-person meetings. Reviewers score 10 to 15 applications within a two-to-four-week period. Before beginning their work, reviewers must participate in an orientation telephone call, which covers the role and responsibilities of the reviewers and the background and purpose of the grant program under review.

Ad hoc reviewers receive $125 for each application reviewed.

NIJ selects panelists based on research and practical experience in their areas of expertise.

If you are interested, start the enrollment process by e-mailing [email protected]. Please include your contact information and resumé.

Standing Review Panels

Each Standing Review Panel convenes annually in Washington, D.C., for two to three days in mid- to late June. At the meeting, the full panel discusses the most competitive applications and determines a final peer review score for each application.

Standing Review Panel reviewers receive $150 per application for applications for which they are assigned to complete a Technical Merit Review. In addition, all reviewers receive $150 per day of meeting attendance.

NIJ selects panelists based on research and practical experience in their areas of expertise.

If you are interested, start the enrollment process by e-mailing [email protected]. Please include your contact information and resumé.

Learn more about Standing Review Panels.

Date Published: January 13, 2023