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Standing Review Panels

The Standing Review Panels represent NIJ's continuing commitment to the scientific integrity at the heart of its mission. Any science agency awarding external research grants must rely on a well-founded peer review process. By adopting Standing Review Panels, NIJ is following a model for peer review that has been extensively tested and is now relied on by most federal science agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences.

NIJ is confident that Standing Review Panels will help us make well-informed decisions about our research investments.

Structure and Function

A Standing Review Panel consists of about 15-30 rotating members who serve three-year terms. Ad hoc members may be appointed on a temporary basis to fill in for members who cannot serve in a given year or to provide additional needed expertise.

Each Standing Review Panel convenes annually in Washington, D.C., for two to three days in mid- to late June. At the meeting, the full panel discusses the most competitive applications and determines a final peer review score for each application. 

Before the meeting, each proposal is assigned to a pair of panel members to conduct an initial written technical merit review. Panelists are given at least three weeks to complete their written reviews. Depending on panel size and application volume, each member may be asked to review three to 12 proposals. Only the top-scoring applications from the technical merit review round advance to consideration by the full panel. At the in-person meeting, each technical merit reviewer pair leads the full panel in discussion and evaluation of those proposals. The full panel then votes to determine a consensus final peer review score.

Standing Review Panel reviewers receive $150 per application for applications for which they are assigned to complete a Technical Merit Review. In addition, all reviewers receive $150 per day of meeting attendance.

NIJ selects panelists based on research and practical experience in their areas of expertise.

If you are interested, start the enrollment process by e-mailing ojpprsupport@usdoj.gov. Please include your contact information and resumé.


Date Published: February 21, 2024