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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Showing Results For:
State: MI,
City: East Lansing

Number of Awards: 63
Total Amount Awarded: $29,420,803

Funded Awards
FY Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Sort descending Award Number Amount Status
2012 Effects of County and State Economic, Social, and Political Contexts on Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in Youth's Penetration into the Justice System NIJ FY 12 Ph.D. Graduate Research Fellowship Program Michigan State University MI 2012-IJ-CX-0018 $25,000 Closed
2007 The Efficacy of Sex Offender Residency Restrictions in Michigan and Missouri NIJ FY 07 ORE Sex Offenders Michigan State University MI 2008-DD-BX-0002 $465,344 Closed
2009 Implementation of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Practitioner Evaluation Toolkit NIJ FY09 Research and Evaluation on Sexual and Teen Dating Violence Michigan State University MI 2009-MU-MU-0002 $413,467 Closed
2007 Adolescent sexual assault victims'' experiences with SANE-SARTs and the criminal justice system NIJ FY 07 ORE Sexual Violence Michigan State University MI 2007-WG-BX-0012 $319,921 Closed
2013 Developing Reliable Methods for Microbial Fingerprinting of Soils NIJ FY 13 Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Michigan State University MI 2013-R2-CX-K010 $122,902 Closed
2011 Developing Guidelines for the Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Forensic Evidence NIJ FY 11 Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Michigan State University MI 2011-DN-BX-K560 $272,220 Closed
2010 Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Implementation and Collaborative Process: What Works Best for the Criminal Justice System? NIJ FY 10 ORE Research and Evaluation on VAW: Sexual Violence, Teen Dating Violence and Stalking Michigan State University MI 2010-WG-BX-0010 $278,713 Closed
2007 Automatic Fingerprint Matching Using Extended Feature Set NIJ FY 07 Biometrics Technologies: Invited Full Proposals Michigan State University MI 2007-RG-CX-K183 $260,038 Closed
2013 Access to Transportation and Outcomes for Women on Probation and Parole NIJ FY 13 Graduate Research Fellowship Program Michigan State University MI 2013-IJ-CX-0041 $29,440 Closed
2013 Identifying the Factors Necessary for Successful DNA Profiling from Spent Cartridge Casings NIJ FY 13 Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Michigan State University MI 2013-DN-BX-K039 $209,398 Closed
2014 An Assessment of Extremist Groups Use of Web Forums, Social Media, and Technology to Enculturate and Radicalize Individuals to Violence NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism Michigan State University MI 2014-ZA-BX-0004 $585,719 Closed
2006 Automatic Fingerprint Matching Using Extended Feature Set Graduate Research Fellowship, Fiscal Year 2007 Michigan State University MI 2007-DN-BX-0005 $20,000 Closed
2007 Evaluating the Impact of the Project Safe Neighborhoods Anti-Gang Initiative NIJ FY 07 ORE Police and Public Safety Michigan State University MI 2007-IJ-CX-0035 $427,152 Closed
2010 Trace DNA from Fingernails: Increasing the SuccessRate of Widely Collected Forensic Evidence NIJ FY 10 Forensic DNA Research and Development Michigan State University MI 2010-DN-BX-K224 $132,046 Closed
2014 Serial Sexual Assaults: A Longitudinal Examination of Offending Patterns Using DNA Evidence NIJ FY 14 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence Michigan State University MI 2014-NE-BX-0006 $699,533 Closed
2011 Pediatric Fracture Printing: Creating a Science of Statistical Fracture Signature Analysis NIJ FY 11 Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Michigan State University MI 2011-DN-BX-K540 $681,147 Closed
2014 Tale of Four Cities: Improving Our Understanding of Gun Violence-Supplement FY 14 National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards Michigan State University MI 2013-R2-CX-0015 $249,046 Closed
2008 Understanding the Intelligence Practices of State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies NIJ FY 08 ORE Terroism Michigan State University MI 2008-IJ-CX-0007 $299,906 Closed
2013 Matching Forensic Sketches to Large Face Image Databases - Supplement NIJ FY 13 Office of Science and Technology Continuations Michigan State University MI 2011-IJ-CX-K057 $119,626 Closed
2011 Matching Forensic Sketches to Large Face Image Databases NIJ FY 11 Sensor, Surveillance, and Biometric Technologies for Criminal Justice Applications Michigan State University MI 2011-IJ-CX-K057 $459,983 Closed
2010 Examining the Structure, Organization, and Processes of the International Market for Stolen Data Online NIJ FY 10 ORE Research on International Organized Crime Michigan State University MI 2010-IJ-CX-1676 $272,891 Closed
2013 A Multi-Site Assessment of Police Consolidation NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on Policing Michigan State University MI 2013-IJ-CX-0019 $780,158 Closed
2013 A Tale of Four Cities: Improving Our Understanding of Gun Violence NIJ FY 13 Firearms and Violence Michigan State University MI 2013-R2-CX-0015 $249,957 Closed
2011 An Examination of the Conditions Affecting Forensic Scientists: Workplace Productivity and Occupational Stress NIJ FY 11 Social Science Research in Forensic Science Michigan State University MI 2011-DN-BX-0006 $129,376 Closed