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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.

Number of Awards: 7,366
Total Amount Awarded: $3,872,814,722

Funded Awards
FY Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Sort descending Award Number Amount Status
2022 Breath Measurements of Acute Cannabis Use (BACE): Towards Reliable Determination of Recent Use Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes, Fiscal Year 2021 National Institute of Standards and Technology DJO-NIJ-22-RO-0003 $1,450,809 Open
2022 Forensic STR Sequencing Nomenclature Resource Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes, Fiscal Year 2021 National Institute of Standards and Technology DJO-NIJ-22-RO-0004 $541,034 Open
2021 Rapid DNA Crime Scene Sample Multi-Laboratory Evaluation Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2021 Federal Bureau of Investigation DJO-NIJ-21-RO-0004 $475,000 Open
2021 NIJ Co-funding for the NSF Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science (CARFS) NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2021 National Science Foundation DJO-NIJ-21-RO-0002 $160,720 Open
2013 Support NIST Work on Fingerprint Database NIJ Non-solicited Applications, Fiscal Year 2013 National Institute of Standards and Technology 2013-IJR-4454 $900,000 Closed
2011 3D Characterization and Comparison of Fracture Surfaces NIJ FY 11 Basic Scientific Research to Support Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Ames Laboratory (DOE) 2011-DN-R-0230-1 $355,000 Closed
2010 NIST/Office of Law Enforcement Standards funding for two projects associated with E-Crime technology portfolio, Computer Forensic Tool Testing and National Software Reference Library NIJ FY 10 Congressionally Directed Awards National Institute of Standards and Technology 2010-FD-R-7122 $1,000,000 Closed
2005 Global mtDNA Databasing Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory 2005-DN-R-086-1 $1,891,390 Closed
2004 Global mtDNA Databasing Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory 2005-DN-R-086-1 $180,000 Closed
2005 Global mtDNA Databasing Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory 2005-DN-R-086-1 $350,000 Closed
2005 Global mtDNA Databasing Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory 2005-DN-R-086-1 $2,572,553 Closed
2005 Continuation and Expansion of DCCI Stegextraction Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense - Defense Cyber Crime Institute 2005-DN-R-086-2 $700,000 Closed
2007 Continuation and Expansion of DCCI Stegextraction Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense - Defense Cyber Crime Institute 2005-DN-R-086-2 $300,000 Closed
2005 Continuation and Expansion of DCCI Stegextraction Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense - Defense Cyber Crime Institute 2005-DN-R-086-2 $320,000 Closed
2005 Continuation and Expansion of DCCI Stegextraction Project NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense - Defense Cyber Crime Institute 2005-DN-R-086-2 $150,000 Closed
2021 Research on Forensic Toxicological Laboratory Testing and Reporting Practices NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2020 Federal Bureau of Investigation DJO-NIJ-20-RO-0008 $25,000 Open
2008 National Firearms Examiner Academy Forensic Science Training NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2008 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 2008-DN-R-122 $500,000 Closed
2005 Latent Print Detection by MacroRaman Imaging NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 Latent Print Detection by MacroRaman Imaging 2005-DD-R-094 $282,000 Closed
2005 Method Development for Objective Physical Matching: Meeting Daubert NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense, Naval Systems Management – Israeli National Police(IAA) 2005-IJ-R-051-3 $25,000 Closed
2005 Improving methods for fingerprint development on hand-guns NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2005 U.S. Department of Defense, Naval Systems Management – Israeli National Police(IAA) 2005-IJ-R-051-2 $70,000 Closed
2004 Quantification of Tool Markings NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2004 Ames Laboratory (DOE) 2004-IJ-R-088 $390,000 Closed
2010 Office of Law Enforcement Standards NIJ FY 10 Congressionally Directed Awards National Institute of Standards and Technology 2010-DN-R-7121 $5,076,570 Closed
2022 First Step Act: Review and Revalidation of the Bureau of Prisons Needs Assessment System First Step Act: Review and Revalidation of the Bureau of Prisons Needs Assessment System, Fiscal Year 2022 Dr. Grant Duwe GS-00F-219CA DJO-NIJ-16-G-0127 FSA3 $97,500 Open
2022 First Step Act: Review and Revalidation of the Bureau of Prisons Needs Assessment System First Step Act: Review and Revalidation of the Bureau of Prisons Needs Assessment System, Fiscal Year 2022 Dr. Zachary Hamilton GS-00F-219CA DJO-NIJ-16-G-0127 FSA4 $82,875 Open
2021 Massively Parallel Mitogenome Sequencing: Building a Strong Foundation for the Interpretation of MPS MtDNA Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes, Fiscal Year 2021 Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory DJO-NIJ-22-RO-0005 $624,692 Open