The multisite, multilevel evaluation of the enhanced Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative was awarded to RTI International and its partner, the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), for 2020 and 2021. The proposed study will extend the evaluation for an additional 2 years (2022–2023) to assess the impact of PSN activities over an additional 24 months and to generate critical analyses, reports, and scholarly products for the field. Activities funded under Phase 2 will allow the PSN evaluation to contribute to the knowledge base concerning violence reduction by identifying key elements of a successful violence reduction strategy and key roles that federal leadership can play in addressing violent crime.
Proposed study activities include a national assessment in all 94 United States Attorney Office (USAO) districts and case studies in 10 USAO districts. The national assessment will result in an objective and rigorous evaluation of PSN implementation and impact across all USAO districts by documenting the implementation of PSN strategies and identifying which strategies appear to be associated with the most significant reductions in violent crime from the pre-enhanced PSN time period (2015–2017) to the enhanced PSN time period (from 2018 on). The case study component will be an in-depth assessment of the implementation and impact of the enhanced PSN model in 10 districts (and 14 target enforcement areas) that offer a strong test of the enhanced PSN model. Case study analyses will examine how violent crime in each target enforcement area changed over time (before and after PSN 2.0); relative to trends in similar non-PSN areas; and relative to trends in crimes not targeted by PSN. Multiple data sources will be used in the evaluation, including existing data provided by the Department of Justice, summary- and incident-level crime data acquired from law enforcement agencies or state or federal repositories, PSN stakeholder interviews and web surveys, site visits, and community resident surveys.
The study will directly benefit criminal justice policy makers, practitioners, and researchers, as well as community-based organizations and citizens affected by violent crime. Study products and deliverables will include interim reports produced for PSN personnel in case study sites; required reports submitted to NIJ (e.g., financial and progress reports, final research report); scholarly products (e.g., journal articles, conference presentations) intended for researcher, practitioner, and policy maker audiences; and a public use data set to facilitate replication and additional analyses.