The Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium (CJTEC) provides rigorous and independent information to the criminal justice community concerning emerging technologies and practices to meet critical operational needs in policing, corrections, and courts. Based on input from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the field, CJTEC conducts technology foraging activities to find new solutions that meet requirements in high-priority areas. CJTEC examines technologies that meet current operational needs and new technologies that may transform practice in unanticipated directions. CJTEC conducts testing and evaluation to examine system performance, safety, and operational impact. CJTEC offers insight, guidance, and evaluation on topics such as counter-unmanned aircraft systems, artificial intelligence, contraband detection, drug impaired driving, community engagement, offender reentry, evidence tracking, and wireless power. CJTEC also administers the NIJ Compliance Testing Program (CTP), which determines the compliance of body armor and other systems with consensus standards. The CTP includes initial type testing, follow-on inspection, and administrative reviews. Finally, CJTEC manages the NIJ Special Technical Committee process to develop new standards or update existing standards for criminal justice equipment. In conjunction with its full range of activities, CJTEC publishes reports, guides, and related content to assist stakeholders in the adoption of proven systems into practice. Furthermore, CJTEC develops semi-annual reports, quarterly financial reports, quarterly CTP and equipment standard presentations, monitoring briefings, and evaluation reports to inform the NIJ of ongoing operations and efforts. Under its cooperative agreement with NIJ, CJTEC includes a wide range of academic, commercial, and nonprofit partners to deliver cutting-edge capabilities across all criminal justice and scientific disciplines. Significant partnerships include Virginia Tech’s Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership, the Safety Equipment Institute, the University of Denver, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Police Executive Research Forum. CJTEC provides a unique capability to the criminal justice community to maximize the impact of agency investments to improve the safety and effectiveness of police, corrections, and court personnel and the communities they serve across the United States.