Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2017, $422,570)
The overall goal of this study is to further analyze the measures used in a financial empowerment study and then validate these scales with a new sample of both English and Spanish-speaking IPV survivors. The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) test and revise financial scales which were pre-existing or adapted from scales used in the general population for use with IPV victims in both English and Spanish utilizing a secondary dataset; and 2) further test and validate measures that were analyzed as part of Objective One with a similar sample of IPV survivors in both English and Spanish to determine if these scales are appropriate for use with other IPV populations.
During Phase One, the research team will test and revise pre-existing or adapted financial scales used in the general population with IPV survivors in both English and Spanish utilizing a secondary dataset. This data was collected as part of an evaluation of The Allstate Foundation's "Moving Ahead through Financial Management" curriculum in which Postmus was Principal Investigator. During Phase Two, the research team will test the scales that were validated in Phase One with a similar sample of survivors of IPV from Puerto Rico, New York, and New Jersey in both English and Spanish.
The analytic plan for Phase One includes conducting exploratory factor analyses. If the research team finds that there are differences between the English and Spanish scales after testing, a Spanish Language Consultant will review the scales and offer recommendations on how items could be rephrased. The analytic plan for Phase Two includes running confirmatory factor analyses, testing for measurement invariance, and establishing construct validity for both the English and Spanish measures.
A final comprehensive technical report containing the findings of this project will be provided to the domestic violence organizations that partner with us and the National Institute of Justice along with quarterly financial reports, semi-annual progress reports and a final progress report. The data set resulting from this project will be submitted as a deliverable for archiving 90 days before the end of the project period with all identifiable information removed. Dissemination efforts include peer-reviewed journals and academic conferences.
Adapting and validating measures to study financial issues among survivors of IPV is a first step in striving to better understand how survivors' experiences are influenced by financial burdens, as well as how to measure positive increases in financial self-efficacy.
"Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law," and complies with Part 200 Uniform Requirements - 2CFR 200.210(a)(14).