Violence is one of the leading causes of death for people 15 to 44 years of age, with males and racial/ethnic minorities bearing the greatest burden of youth violence (Krug et al., 2002; David-Ferdon et al, 2015). The Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) is supporting the Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration Initiative designed to enhance the fields ability to recognize and improve services for male survivors of violence, particularly boys and young men of color. Boys and young men of color who fall victim to violence are underserved. Research suggests that one of the main barriers to male psychological help-seeking lies in mens attitudes about masculinity, and these attitudes are heavily influenced by race and culture (Yousaf, Popat, & Hunter, 2015). While demonstration projects provide opportunities to implement innovative solutions to critical needs like services for male survivors of violence, a carefully designed and competently implemented evaluation can lead to sustained changes in policy and practice.
RTI International proposes to use a mixed methodology pre-post design to conduct (1) a site-level implementation evaluation to describe the strategies that each OVC-funded demonstration site has implemented and (2) a cross-site evaluation to determine if improvements in the response to male survivors of violenceparticularly boys and young men of color and their familieswere achieved. Two goals guide the proposed work. We will: (1) design and implement a cross-site evaluation of the OVCs Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration Initiative and (2) assess the implementation of each demonstration site independently of all others, focusing on whether the project's selected strategy was implemented with fidelity. Site visits (key informant interviews and focus groups) and Web-based surveys will be the primary modes of data collection. We will use a combination of qualitative (social network analysis and qualitative comparative analysis) and quantitative analyses (descriptive analysis) to examine how constructs change post-baseline at the site and initiative level. Where feasible, we will conduct cross-sectional models using time (pre to post) as the primary predictor in linear or nonlinear regression models. RTI will disseminate information about the evaluation approach, the individual site and cross-site outcomes, and implications for replication through semiannual progress reports to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), briefings to stakeholders, and wider dissemination through research and practitioner-oriented conference presentations, peer-reviewed journals, and policy forums.
This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.