Award Information
Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2014, $359,608)
This award completes the funding for a project initiated in supplement #5 to award 2010-IJ-CX-K014. That award was competitively made to ManTech International ("ManTech") under the FY2010 NIJ Sensors, Surveillance, and Biometric Technologies Center of Excellence solicitation. The purpose of that solicitation was to establish a Sensor, Surveillance, and Biometric Technologies Center of Excellence (SSBT COE) within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The principal purpose of the NLECTC COEs is to conduct research, test, and evaluation activities to inform NIJ technology research and development (R&D) efforts. So, for example, the COEs routinely conduct technical assessments of the technology products resulting from NIJ-funded R&D work. They also conduct research to assist NIJ in identifying the technology needs of the criminal justice community. They develop equipment performance standards and guides. A COE's level of effort and the projects it conducts will vary from year to year based on the needs of NIJ's technology R&D program, as specified by the relevant NIJ program manager.
The project in question expands on ManTech's prior analysis of fingerprint match performance and interoperability issues associated with the use of contactless fingerprint scanners and will outline future research to support operational assessment and deployment of this technology. In 2012, ManTech undertook a biometric collection of fingerprint data from traditional scanners and next generation contactless devices. This data was the first of its kind across the two classes of scanners using the same subject population. The data was used to evaluate the match performance and interoperability of contactless versus contact fingerprint data. These results are contained in a report "Contactless Fingerprint Technologies Assessment (Version 2)," which was published February 7, 2014. The project in question involves additional biometric fingerprint data collection using contactless fingerprint scanners and traditional contact fingerprint scanners. The match performance and interoperability of the fingerprint data collected will be analyzed to investigate the performance of contactless versus contact fingerprint devices. In addition, future research directions in the field of contactless fingerprint biometrics will be outlined to facilitate community research and operational assessment/deployment. nca/ncf
Date Created: September 17, 2014
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