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The Operation of the Corrections Technology Center of Excellence
This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about both the original award and supplemental awards.
Supplemental funding will continue the operation of the Corrections Technology Center of Excellence (CX-COE), which serves as the authoritative resource within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) System with respect to corrections technology; to facilitate the transfer of new technologies into practice; and to provide objective technology assistance/information to agencies. The CX-COE will work with national practitioner groups to identify high priority technology requirements for both Institutional and Community Corrections, which are key inputs into the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation (RTD&E) process, and provide support by helping to define portfolio objectives, assessing ongoing projects, identifying promising new technologies and participating in organizations that support the adoption of technology. During this funding, the CX COE will focus on six major projects - Continued Development of a Standard for Offender Tracking Technology; Validation of Test Methods (Offender Tracking Technology Standard); Support for the Implementation of the Corrections Operational Trend Analysis System (COTAS); Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cell Phone Forensics in Prisons; Host a Federal Cell Phone Working Group; and Host Technology Institute for Corrections. nca/ncf
This award supplements funding for 2010-IJ-CX-K003. This award was competitively made in response to a proposal submitted by the University of Denver to an NIJ FY2010 solicitation "Corrections Technology Center of Excellence (COE)."
The purpose of the COE is to assist NIJ in identifying the technology needs of the criminal justice community with respect to the portfolios that they support and conduct related research, test, and evaluation activities. They also develop the equipment performance standards that underpin the NIJ compliance-testing program as well as best practices guides. They assist agencies to address specific technology issues in a relevant area. The COE activities will include: Continued development of an Electronic Monitoring/Supervision Standard; Hosting the Electronic Monitoring Resource Center; Supporting the Federal Cell Phone Working Group; Development of a data exchange packet for offender location data that is compliant with the National Information Exchange Model; Continued evaluation of hand-held cell phone detectors; and Supporting the practitioner-based corrections requirements working group. nca/ncf
This award supplements funding for 2010-IJ-CX-K003. This award was competitively made in response to a proposal submitted by the University of Denver to an NIJ FY2010 solicitation "Corrections Technology Center of Excellence (COE)". The principal purpose of the NLECTC COEs is to conduct research, test, and evaluation activities to inform NIJ technology research and development (R&D) efforts. So, for example, the COEs routinely conduct technical assessments of the technology products resulting from NIJ-funded R&D work. They also conduct research to assist NIJ in identifying the technology needs of the criminal justice community. They develop equipment performance standards and guides.
The purpose of this supplement is to enable the University of Denver to complete development of test methods and conduct validation testing of a performance standard for electronic monitoring systems used to monitor offenders under community supervision. nca/ncf
This award supplements funding for 2010-IJ-CX-K003. This award was competitively made in response to a proposal submitted by the University of Denver to an NIJ FY2010 solicitation "Corrections Technology Center of Excellence (COE)". The principal purpose of the NLECTC COEs is to conduct research, test, and evaluation activities to inform NIJ technology research and development (R&D) efforts. So, for example, the COEs routinely conduct technical assessments of the technology products resulting from NIJ-funded R&D work. They also conduct research to assist NIJ in identifying the technology needs of the criminal justice community. They develop equipment performance standards and guides. The purpose of this supplement is to enable the University of Denver to complete development and validation of test methods for NIJ Standard-1004.00 Criminal Justice Offender Tracking System Standard. Currently, there are no performance standards for the electronic tracking systems used to monitor offenders in community supervision. Consequently, the agencies monitoring those offenders have no basis of comparison on which to base their decisions with regard to which electronic tracking systems may best meet their needs. The lack of such standards also means that manufacturers have no real guidance with regard to the design specifications for such systems. The development of NIJ Standard-1004.00 will address these gaps. nca/ncf