Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2008, $452,468)
The purpose of these funds will be used to create a CBRNE training program for forensic science professionals. This project will offer Web based training regarding Classroom Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive(CBRNE) awareness for evidence intake personnel and laboratory analysts. After completing the program, forensic facility personnel will be able to identify possible CBRNE evidence and handle it according to established procedures/protocols as outlined in the training modules. In most laboratories these analyses fall under the category of trace evidence. In the 2002 Census of Publically Funded Crime Labs it was estimated that 59% of laboratories performed trace analysis. At the year's end it was estimated that approximately 14,650 cases would be backlogged nationwide which averages out to 40/lab. With a small number of trace analysts this number could increase without the proper training.