Project Summary for 2001-MU-MU-K010 S-1
Members of the New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of State Police, have expended countless hours to further develop the 2-way radio communications system into a statewide Law Enforcement Network (LAWNET) communications system. By maintaining a high degree of cooperation between Federal, state, county, and local government officials, the Division continues to make significant strides toward achieving their goal. LAWNET will encourage the sharing of frequencies among agencies utilizing Very High Frequency (VHF) trunking technology, while providing interoperability through a common infrastructure. All government agencies, including local, county and state, as well as other public safety entities operating throughout New Hampshire, will have access to both a voice and data communications platform. The overall plan is to have "LAWNET" eliminate the need for each individual agency to develop, maintain and pay for its own radio communications system. The former approach would not only be expensive and inefficient, but it would do little to improve the interoperability between agencies. By providing the necessary funding to convert to a LAWNET concept, the state provides and affordable means for all law enforcement agencies to become part of a leading and innovative statewide telecommunications network.
Funding for this project will provide the state of New Hampshire with the ability to continue implementing and expanding on principles and philosophy of "LAWNET." Proceeds from the current funding of this project will be primarily designated for the purchase of repeaters, base stations and portable radios, all of which will be assigned to local and county law enforcement agencies. Full deployment of this equipment is necessary in order to verify system performance under load. The issuance and installation of this equipment further demonstrates and validates the states objectives to enhance the telecommunications system and encourage interoperability between law enforcement agencies throughout the state. The State of New Hampshire's plan is to install repeaters and base stations into the 42 full-time Police dispatch centers throughout the state. Upon completing the installation of this equipment, local and county agencies will have digital communications capabilities and a sound foundation on which to further enhance their newly acquired communications system. The state will issue either one portable or one mobile radio to state law enforcement agencies for every 500 residents of a city/town.