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Terry Cherry

Officer Terry Cherry, Charleston (SC) Police Department
Police Officer; 2020 NIJ LEADS Law Enforcement Officer
Charleston Police Department

Charleston, SC

Officer Cherry has been with the Charleston Police Department for 8 ½ years and currently serves as the agency’s recruiter. Officer Cherry developed a five year strategic plan in compliance with the department’s racial bias audit and developed quantitative measures to track the plan’s success. Officer Cherry has applied evidence-based policing to drive changes in recruitment processes, policies, and marketing efforts. Her research interests include the improvement and expansion of data collection around recruitment and the effects of diversity on the law enforcement profession. She is excited to have the opportunity to partner with leading academic and police scholars to implement evidence-based policing, support local research, learn from other officers engaged in advancing evidence-based policing, and share successful outcomes with peers, agencies and other national law enforcement organizations. Officer Cherry holds a bachelor’s from UCLA and a Master’s of Business Administration in global business with an emphasis on international finance and economics from Pepperdine University.

Date Created: July 22, 2020