White Americans
Examining the Pathways Between Bully Victimization, Depression, Academic Achievement, and Problematic Drinking in Adolescence
Are Latinos Who Commit Sexual Offenses Different? A Closer Examination of Characteristics and Offense Patterns
Race and Ethnic Differences in Mental Health Need and Services Received in Justice-Involved Youth
Age-at-Death Estimation for Modern Populations in Mexico and Puerto Rico through the Use of 3D Laser Scans of the Pubic Symphysis
The Co-evolution of Bullying Perpetration, Homophobic Teasing, and a School Friendship Network
Selective Mortality in Middle-aged American Women With Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH)
Application of the Optimized Summed Scored Attributes Method to Sex Estimation in Asian Crania
School Disorder and Dropping Out: The Intersection of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
Development of Modern Subadult Standards: Improved Age and Sex Estimation in U.S. Forensic Practice
Overcoming School Safety Intervention Implementation Challenges - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Heroin Use Among Southern Arrestees: Regional Findings From the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program
Adolescent Girls: The Role of Depression in the Development of Delinquency
Ancestry Estimation in Forensic Anthropology: Geometric Morphometric versus Standard and Nonstandard Interlandmark Distances
Postcranial Sex Estimation Criteria for Mexican Hispanics
Influence of Race/Ethnicity, Social Class, and Neighborhood Context on Residents' Attitudes Toward the Police
Self-Reports of Police Speeding Stops by Race: Results From the North Carolina Reverse Record Check Survey
Neighborhood Structure and Race-Specific Rates of Intimate Assault
Ancestry Assessment Using Random Forest Modeling
Criminal Victimization of Minorities - A Statistical Profile
E-cigarette Use of Young Adults Motivations and Associations With Combustible Cigarette Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Illicit Drugs
African-American and White Perceptions of Police Services: Within- and Between-Group Variation
Why Is the United States the Most Homicidal Nation in the Affluent World?
Ohio State University Since World War II, the homicide rate in the U.S. has been three to ten times higher than in Canada, Western Europe, and Japan. This, however, has not always been the case. What caused the dramatic change? Dr. Roth discussed how and why rates of different kinds of homicide have varied across time and space over the past 450 years, including an examination of the murder of children by parents or caregivers, intimate partner violence, and homicides among unrelated adults.
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Legitimacy and Community Cooperation With Law Enforcement
Tom R. Tyler, chair of the New York University psychology department, describes research on profiling and community policing. His research found that citizens of all races show greater respect for law enforcement when they believe officers are treating them fairly. Even citizens who experienced a negative outcome getting a traffic ticket, for example showed higher levels of respect for and cooperation with law enforcement as long as they believed they were not being singled out unfairly.
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Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
Interview with Akiva Liberman, The Urban Institute