Violent crime
Responding to Intimate Partner Violence-Related Strangulation: Integrating Policy, Practice, and Research
REFRAME: Research and Evaluation Framework for Reducing hArm and Measuring the Effectiveness of CVIPI Strategies
Heal Our Youth: A Mixed Methods, Hybrid Effectiveness Implementation Trial for Reducing Community Violence Among Youth in Limited-Opportunity Settings
Impact and Outcomes of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program in Columbia, SC
Evaluation of the Chattanooga United to Reduce Violence (CURV) Initiative
A Focused Deterrence Program for Juveniles with Firearm Offenses: a Randomized Controlled Trial and Process Evaluation
A Multi-District Analysis of School Safety in School Districts Awarded STOP School Violence Grants in Fiscal Years 2018–2023
Evaluation of the Kings Against Violence Initiative's (KAVI) Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program (HVIP)
The Development of a Peer Advocacy Intervention for Survivors whose Partners are in Relationship Violence Intervention Programs.
Addressing the Challenges of Detecting Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
NIJ has funded research to address the challenges of detecting DFSA for several years. This research includes projects that examine ways to improve forensic hair testing and how drugs modify blood proteins.
Safe Transitions for Teens
Reducing Gun Violence Through Integrated Forensic Evidence Collection, Analysis, and Sharing
Multi-pronged approach of data integration, collaboration, and intelligence-led policing has helped reduce gun violence in New Jersey.
Exploring the Social Networks of Homegrown Violent Extremist (HVE) Military Veterans, Final Research Report
Preventing Relationship and Sexual Violence on College Campuses
This webinar will discuss implications and recommendations for the prevention of sexual assault, dating violence, and harassment on college campuses in the U.S. based on findings from an NIJ-funded study on Population and Subgroup Differences in Prevalence and Predictors of Campus Sexual Assault (Award No: 2020-VA-CX-0004). Audience members will be invited to participate in a discussion of strategies and considerations for violence prevention on college campuses that target campus-level factors contributing to victimization and perpetration.
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A National Portrait of Project Safe Neighborhoods Implementation
Understanding the Potential for Multidisciplinary Threat Assessment and Management Teams to Prevent Terrorism: Conducting a Formative Evaluation of the MassBay Threat Assessment Team, Executive Summary
NIJ FY24 Invited to Apply – Safe Transitions for Teens: Assessing the Impact of Intimate Partner Transitional Housing on Adolescent Residents Study
NIJ seeks an application for a study that will fill a gap in research on community level interventions to reduce risk and increase protective factors for intimate partner violence exposed teens.
The California School Safety Study: School and Community Contexts that Contribute to Root Causes and Prevention of Violence in California
Comparing Individuals Who Engage in Violent Extremism and Similar Acts: What Research Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice Tells Us
Lessons Learned on the Methodological Challenges in Studying Rare Violent Incidents
Lessons Learned on the Methodological Challenges in Studying Rare Violent Incidents
To increase knowledge and aid prevention efforts, the research community must develop a strategy to source, code, check, and analyze the data surrounding rare violent incidents.