Victims organizations
Getting Ready: How Arizona Has Created a 'Parallel Universe' for Inmates
Victims Guide to the D.C. Criminal Justice System
Creating a Data Archive to Facilitate Research on Understanding and Responding to Terrorism (From Understanding Terrorism: Analysis of Sociological and Psychological Aspects, P 306--317, 2007, Suleyman Ozeren, Ismail Dincer Gunes, et al., -- See NCJ-225410)
Outcomes of Custody and Visitation Petitions When Fathers are Restrained by Protection Orders: The Case of the New York Family Courts
Estimating the Financial Costs of Crime Victimization, Final Report
Financial Exploitation Intervention Team Evaluability Assessment
Formative Evaluation of a City-Wide Hospital-Based Victims Services Intervention in Chicago
Expanding the Knowledge Base about Child Advocacy Centers
Evaluation of Safe Horizon Family Court Program
Evaluation of Services for Victims of Crime
Neighborhood Crime Survey: An Examination of the Relationship Between Immigration and Victimization
Formative Evaluation of a Pediatric Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men - 2010 Findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.
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From the Academy to Retirement: A Journey Through the Policing Lifecycle
Professor Rosenbaum and a panel of colleagues discuss a study to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a foundation from which to launch studies about multiple aspects of policing using standardized definitions and measurement tools. Their goal is to advance knowledge about policing and translate data into evidence-based best practices that improve training, supervision and accountability systems. The effort is expected to produce a better understanding of what motivates police officers and makes them healthier, happier and more effective.
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Just Wrong: The Aftermath of Wrongful Convictions
The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its ability to convict the guilty and clear the innocent. But we know that innocent people are sometimes wrongfully convicted and the guilty remain free to victimize others. The consequences of a wrongful conviction are far-reaching for the wrongfully convicted and the survivors and victims of the original crimes.
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International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research
Since 2008, DOJ has been reviewing its policies and programs on international organized crime, with the goal of strengthening law enforcement's response to this threat. In this NIJ Conference Panel, the speakers will explore how DOJ and other U.S. government agencies are responding to it. Attendees will learn more about the Attorney General's Organized Crime Council, the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, and the recent National Intelligence Estimate on International Organized Crime.
Discussing the Future of Justice-Involved Young Adults
New science in brain development is transforming young adult involvement with the justice system. On Tuesday, September 8, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason, and experts from NIJ and the Harvard Kennedy School Program in Criminal Justice who serve on the Executive Session on Community Corrections discussed the future of justice-involved young adults.
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Evaluations of Services for Victims of Crime, FY 2019
In collaboration with OVC, NIJ seeks proposals for formative evaluations and evaluability assessments of victims of crime service programs. NIJ is interested in evaluations of different types of victim services including, but not limited to, programs embedded in hospitals/trauma centers; umbrella/network organizations; one-stop victim services programs; and/or programs embedded in criminal justice agencies. NIJ recognizes that many victim services programs may not be ready to...
Evaluating Services for Young Victims of Human Trafficking
A Screening Tool for Identifying Trafficking Victims
Impact of Victim Offender Dialogue on Victims of Serious Crimes: A Longitudinal Cohort-Control Study
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: Findings from a National Survey
This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.
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