Cybersecurity and Safety Challenges in Autonomous Vehicles: Threats Identification and Countermeasures Development
Harnessing Existing Technologies to Mitigate Driving Distraction Among Law Enforcement Officers
Reducing Traffic Related Officer Fatalities and Injuries through Technology Enhancement and Policy
Application of Raman and Infrared Microscopy for the Forensic Examination of Automotive Clear Coats and Paint Smears
Cybersecurity and Safety Challenges in Autonomous Vehicles: Threats Identification and Countermeasures Development
Automotive Paint Binders Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Cost-Effective Aviation Solutions to Support Counter-Poaching and Rural Law Enforcement Operations
The National Public Safety sUAS Flight Operations & Incident
Reporting System
Establishing a National Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test and Evaluation Center
Evaluating the Efficacy of Lighting, Markings, and Paint Schemes in Reducing the Incidence of Law Enforcement Vehicle Crashes
NIJ FY 13 Evaluating the Efficacy of Lighting, Marking, and Paint Schemes in Reducing the Incidence of Law Enforcement Vehicle Crashes
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct evaluations of the impact of alternative lighting, markings, and painting schemes for law enforcement vehicles on the incidence of traffic accidents involving law enforcement vehicles. NIJ is also interested in determining how these schemes may otherwise affect law enforcement operations.