Unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
Support for Research, Testing, and Evaluation of Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems in Law Enforcement Operations
Providing Reliable Interoperability for First Responders
The emergency communications ecosystem can be supported by planning in advance, developing relationships, and implementing new technology where appropriate.
Finding the Missing and Unidentified: The Application of Predictive Modeling, Ground-Penetrating Radar, and Small Unmanned Aircraft-Mounted Infrared Imagery for the Detection of Unmarked Graves
Detecting and Processing Clandestine Human Remains with Unmanned Aerial Systems and Multispectral Remote Sensing
Evaluation of Terrestrial and Aerial Remote Sensing with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) for Forensic Crime-Scene Reconstruction
NIJ FY 14 Online Flight Data and Incident Reporting System for Public Safety Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
NIJ seeks proposals to develop, host, and maintain a web-based, online flight data and incident reporting system to, subject to law enforcement and national security concerns and limitations: (1) collect fight-operations data from law enforcement and other public safety agencies from their use of sUAS (defined as UAS weighing less than 55 lbs.); and to (2) make that information publically available for analysis by entities...