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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

University of Michigan

Taking Stock: An Overview of NIJ's Reentry Research Portfolio and Assessing the Impact of the Pandemic on Reentry Research

April 2022

Over several decades, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has made significant contributions to the field of reentry, specifically what works for whom and when. In recent years, however, the global pandemic has made it increasingly difficult to conduct research on and with populations involved with the justice system. During this time, many researchers assessing various justice-related outcomes were unable to continue their inquiries as planned due to a lack of access to their populations of interest, forcing many to pivot and rethink their research designs.

Delinquency, Victimization, and the Developing Brain: Results from the ABCD-Social Development Study

December 2020

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development – Social Development Study (ABCD-SD) is a longitudinal study on the relationship between the developing brain and delinquency and victimization. Supplementing ABCD brain and cognitive development measures, ABCD-SD protocol measures a wide array of delinquency- and victimization-related risks, protective factors and outcomes. These presentations will describe early adolescent findings from ABCD-SD on delinquency and victimization.

Wrongful Convictions: The Latest Scientific Research & Implications for Law Enforcement

March 2013

What does science tell us about case factors that can lead to a wrongful conviction? Dr. Jon Gould of American University will discuss the findings of the first large-scale empirical study that has identified ten statistically significant factors that distinguish a wrongful conviction from a "near miss." (A "near miss" is a case in which an innocent defendant was acquitted or had charges dismissed before trial). Following Dr. Gould's presentation, Mr. John R.

The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault: Implications for Law Enforcement, Prosecution, and Victim Advocacy

December 2012

Dr. Campbell brings together research on the neurobiology of trauma and the criminal justice response to sexual assault. She explains the underlying neurobiology of traumatic events, its emotional and physical manifestation, and how these processes can impact the investigation and prosecution of sexual assaults. Real-world, practical implications are examined for first responders, such as law enforcement, nurses, prosecutors, and advocates.

Children as Citizens: Engaging Adolescents in Research on Exposure to Violence

January 2011

Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, great strides have been made in the areas of child protection and advocacy. However, the concept of children, and specifically adolescents, as functional and engaged citizens has also emerged. Through the guidance and recognition of adults, children can participate in deliberative democracy as legitimate and competent citizens. This citizenship, like that of adults, can be used to enrich and improve local communities by creating a sense of ownership and fairness. Dr.

Data Resources Program 2016: Funding for Analysis of Existing Data

Closing Date
NIJ, BJS, and OJJDP have entered into a partnership to request applications under this Data Resources Program (DRP) solicitation for original research using existing data available from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) and other public sources. NIJ will manage and fund awards resulting from this solicitation. NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from research funded by these three agencies. The data are...

NIJ FY 15 Data Resources Program

Closing Date
​NIJ, in partnership with theBureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and theOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), is seeking proposals under the Data Resources Program (DRP) for original research using existing data available from theNational Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) and other public sources. NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from research funded by these three agencies. The data are made available online...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Data Resources Program

Closing Date

NIJ is requesting proposals to replicate previous findings and conduct original research extending data from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from NIJ-funded research and provides online access to downloadable, machine-readable (SPSS, SAS, or ASCII) files as well as data dictionaries, study abstracts and, in limited cases, MapInfo or ESRI geographic data. The archive is maintained by...

NIJ FY 07/08 ORE Data Resources Program

Closing Date
NIJ is requesting proposals to replicate previous findings and conduct original research extending data from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from NIJ-funded research and provides online access to downloadable, machine-readable (SPSS, SAS, or ASCII) files as well as data dictionaries, study abstracts and, in limited cases, MapInfo or ESRI geographic data. The archive is maintained by...