School dropouts
The role of school‐based group mentoring in promoting resilience among vulnerable high school students
School Victimization, Immigration, Dropping Out, and Gender Disparities
Evaluating Impacts of the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program: An Alternative to Arrest Policing Strategy
Who Benefits Most From a Broadly Targeted Prevention Program? Differential Efficacy Across Populations in the Teen Outreach Program
Desistance From Crime: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
Most scholars would agree that desistance from crime – the process of ceasing engagement in criminal activities – is normative. However, there is variability in the literature regarding the definition and measurement of desistance, the signals of desistance, the age at which desistance begins, and the underlying mechanisms that lead to desistance. Even with considerable advances in the theoretical understanding of desistance from crime, there remain critical gaps between research and the application of that research to practice.
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