Rape evidence kits
How to Right a Wrong: Empirically Evaluating Whether Victim, Offender, and Assault Characteristics can Inform Rape Kit Testing Policies
Will History Repeat Itself? Growth Mixture Modeling of Suspected Serial Sexual Offending Using Forensic DNA Evidence
Forgotten Evidence: A Mixed Methods Study of Why Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs) Are Not Submitted for DNA Forensic Testing
Evaluation of a Victim-Centered, Trauma-Informed Victim Notification Protocol for Untested Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs)
Why Police "Couldn't or Wouldn't" Submit Sexual Assault Kits for Forensic DNA Testing: A Focal Concerns Theory Analysis of Untested Rape Kits
Accountability, Collaboration, and Social Change: Ethical Tensions in an Action Research Project to Address Untested Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs)
A brief study on the effects of storage conditions on sexual lubricant components in the presence of a biological fluid
A Window of Opportunity: Examining the Potential Impact of Mandatory Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Testing Legislation on Crime Prevention
Development and validation of a novel method "SpermX (TM)" for high throughput differential extraction processing of sexual assault kits (SAKs) for DNA analysis
Just Key Considerations for Investigations of Sexual Assault Cases
Just A Pediatric Viewpoint on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits
Just Science Podcast: Just Supporting Evidence Collection in Sexual Assault Cases
Testing Sexual Assault Kits Saves Money and Prevents Future Sexual Assaults
The National Problem of Untested Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs): Scope, Causes, and Future Directions for Research, Policy, and Practice
Creating a Victim Notification Protocol for Untested Sexual Assault Kits: An Empirically Supported Planning Framework
Tested at Last: How DNA Evidence in Untested Rape Kits Can Identify Offenders and Serial Sexual Assaults
Should Rape Kit Testing Be Prioritized by Victim-Offender Relationship? Empirical Comparison of Forensic Testing Outcomes for Stranger and Non-stranger Sexual Assaults
Developing Empirically Informed Policies for Sexual Assault Kit DNA Testing: Is It Too Late to Test Kits Beyond the Statute of Limitations?
Beyond DNA - The Role of Biological Evidence in Sexual Assault Investigations
Just Science: DNA: Just USACIL and Direct-To-DNA
Completion of the SONIC-DE 2.0 System for Implementation in Forensic Laboratories
Bio-inspired Material-integrated Beads for Differential Extraction of Sperm in Forensic Applications
Assessment of Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Evidence Selection Leading to Development of SAK Evidence Machine-Learning Model (SAK-ML Model)
Just Wrong: The Aftermath of Wrongful Convictions
The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its ability to convict the guilty and clear the innocent. But we know that innocent people are sometimes wrongfully convicted and the guilty remain free to victimize others. The consequences of a wrongful conviction are far-reaching for the wrongfully convicted and the survivors and victims of the original crimes.
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