Policing innovation
Why Getting Inside the "Black Box" Is Important: Examining Treatment Implementation and Outputs in Policing Experiments
An Experimental Evaluation on the Utility of Burglary Profiles Applied in Active Police Investigations
Compstat and the New Penology: A Paradigm Shift in Policing?
Technological Innovations in Crime Prevention and Policing. A Review of the Research on Implementation and Impact
Modern Policing and the Control of Illegal Drugs: Testing New Strategies in Two American Cities
Environmental and Institutional Influences on Police Agency Responses to Human Trafficking
Was the pope to blame? Statistical powerlessness and the predictive policing of micro-scale randomized control trials
Fostering Innovation to Respond to Top Challenges in Law Enforcement: Proceedings of the National Institute of Justice's 2018 Chiefs' Panel on Priority Law Enforcement Issues and Needs
Expanding Research to Examine the Impacts of Forensic Science on the Criminal Justice System
In 2004, the National Institute of Justice created the social science research on forensic sciences (SSRFS) research program to explore the impact of forensic sciences on the criminal justice system and the administration of justice. Much of the early research from the SSRFS program focused on DNA processing and the use of DNA in investigations and prosecutions.
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