Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
National Youth Gang Survey, Fiscal Year 2020
In collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), NIJ seeks proposals for funding to conduct a study of youth gangs. The award recipient will be expected to develop, test, and administer a national data collection from law enforcement agencies to produce accurate and reliable national estimates of, and information about youth gangs, and gang-related criminal activities and law enforcement approaches to...
What Is Research and Evaluation Evidence and How Can We Use It?
This NIJ Conference Panel will explore the development and use of evidence-based policies, programs and technologies to improve effectiveness and efficiencies related to government. Through casual observation, practices and programs may appear to be effective, but under closer scrutiny the results may look much different.
Evaluation of Street Law Programs, FY 2019
With this solicitation, the National Institute of Justice seeks proposals to conduct a single evaluation project that measures the effectiveness of two programs administered by Street Law, Inc (Street Law). With financial support from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Street Law will implement the Legal Life Skills program and the Police & Teens program over a two year period. These programs...
Evaluation of Juvenile Corrections Executive Leadership Training, FY 2019
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding a single evaluation project to examine the implementation and effectiveness of a juvenile corrections executive leadership training. The OJJDP-funded training will assist juvenile facility superintendents and other juvenile corrections personnel in their efforts to develop and implement effective facility practices and strategies for youth in their custody. Applicants should propose scientifically rigorous evaluation projects, provide information on...
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of OJJDP Child Sexual Exploitation
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of OJJDP Child Sexual Exploitation
Evaluation of OJJDP's Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Evaluation of OJJDP's Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Evaluation of OJJDP's Discretionary Funds Project
Evaluation of OJJDP's Discretionary Funds Project
NIJ Solicitation For Evaluations of OJJDP Discretionary Programs
NIJ Solicitation For Evaluations of OJJDP Discretionary Programs
Solicitation for Evaluations of OJJDP Discretionary Funds Project
Solicitation for Evaluations of OJJDP Discretionary Funds Project