A Review of Legislation Associated With Lawfully Owed DNA Samples
Legislation Specifically Targeting the Use of the Internet to Recruit Terrorists
Effective Implementation of New Legislation in Crime Control in Bosnia and Herzegovina (From Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary Criminal Justice, P 472-489, 2004, Gorazd Mesko, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-207973)
NIJ FY 13 Evaluation of Police and Technology in Schools
NIJ seeks proposals for research to evaluate the use of police and technology in schools. The proposed research should be comprehensive and include assessment of aspects such as school ecology, culture, climate, and social capital in addition to outcomes and other impacts. Logic models should be provided and include assessment of implementation processes and outputs and proximal and distal outcomes. A cost-benefit component should be...
Domestic Violence and Mandatory Arrest Laws: To What Extent Do They Influence Police Arrest Decisions?
Domestic Violence Legislation: Exploring Its Impact on the Likelihood of Domestic Violence, Police Involvement, and Arrest
Terrorism, Risk, and Legislation
"An Absolute Revolving Door": An Evaluation of Police Perception and Response to Proposition 36
Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders
The panel presentations from the 2009 NIJ Conference are based on an NIJ-sponsored evaluation of the effectiveness of Kansas Senate Bill 123, which mandates community-based drug abuse treatment for drug possession by nonviolent offenders in lieu of prison.
Terrorism Studies: Finding and Applying the Best Research
In the post-Sept. 11 era, criminal justice and homeland security professionals have been bombarded with a flood of studies on terrorism. Some of the best researchers in the field provide a practical session on evaluating terrorism studies. What should the inquisitive professional look for when presented with different methods? How can professionals publish what they see and engage experts in the field?
Environmental Scan of Criminal Justice Responses to Justice-Involved Young Adults
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