Inmate programs
WATCh: Montana's In-Prison DUI Treatment Program
Looking Beyond Recidivism: New Research on Well-Being in Prisons and Jails From the National Institute of Justice
Integrated Treatment for Jail Recidivists With Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
Counselor Knows Best? Clinician Assessments of In-Prison Substance Abuse Treatment Participants
The Impacts of Restrictive Housing on Inmate Behavior, Mental Health, and Recidivism, and Prison Systems Personnel
Risk and Needs Assessments in Prisons: Identifying High-Priority Needs for Using Evidence-Based Practices
Building an Effective Research Partnership Between a University and a State Correctional Agency: Assessment of Drug Treatment in Pennsylvania Prisons
Bringing Scouting to Prison: Programs and Challenges
NIJ Initiates Prison Riot
System Streamlines Managing TV and Training in Jail
Developing the Prison Environment Inventory
Conducting Randomized Controlled Trials in State Prisons
Getting Ready Program - Remaking Prison Life to Prepare Inmates for Reentry - Interview at the National Institute of Justice
"Getting Ready Program": Remaking Prison Life to Prepare Inmates for Reentry
Interview with Dora Schriro, Arizona Department of Corrections
Cell Phones in Prison
Criminals are using cell phones illegally in prisons and jails to conduct their business and intimidate witnesses. Although technology solutions to this problem are available, they can create new challenges, such as legal and implementation issues associated with cell phone use in correctional facilities. Panelists will discuss various aspects to consider from how prisoners use cell phones, to day-to-day and operational aspects, to legal and regulatory concerns.
What Works in Reentry
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