Female recruitment
Motivations for a career in policing: social group differences and occupational satisfaction
Women in Policing
Captain Ivonne Roman, Newark (NJ) Police Department, describes how her participation in NIJ’s LEADS Program has helped her research on women in policing, some of her findings, and describes how LEADS has benefited her career growth.
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Promising Practices in Police Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Retention
Antoinette Tull, Human Resources Division Chief, Richmond (VA) PD, discusses how law enforcement recruitment and retention strategies have changed in recent years, new retention strategies to attract millennial recruits, what retention strategies budget restricted agencies can consider implementing, and how NIJ can play a role in researching or evaluating strategies for recruitment and retention.
Antoinette Tull was a participant on an NIJ Saturday Session panel at IACP 2019.
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