Civil disturbance units
Police Response to Civil Disturbances: Understanding Strengths, Challenges, and Organizational Learning through After Action Reports
Research and Evaluation on Policing Strategies for Civil Disturbances, Fiscal Year 2021
Research and Law Enforcement Partnerships Manage Civil Disturbances More Effectively
Law enforcement agencies can use research-based practices to manage protests and civil disturbances more effectively. In this video, Dr. Tamara Herold, Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Ryan Lee, Assistant Chief, Portland Police Bureau, discuss some of those methods, some of the misconceptions about how law enforcement should respond to civil disturbances, and where agencies should begin when developing civil disturbance response plans.
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An International View of Civil Disturbance Unit Standards and Training
This video provides and international perspective on civil disturbance units.
Dr. Ben Burger, Chief, Unterstützungskommando, Dachau, Germany, discusses how his unit’s response to civil disturbances compares to his American counterparts and the approaches that contribute to his unit’s success.
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NIJ Civil Disturbance Unit Standards: The Importance of Standards and Testing
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