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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Sentinel Events Initiative: A Compiled Bibliography

The National Institute of Justice has compiled a bibliography of journal articles, news stories, and other resources relevant to the Sentinel Events Initiative. The bibliography includes close to 1,000 citations, most with abstracts and links to the complete publications.[1]

NIJ has compiled these citations with the goal of creating a centralized platform for publications related to the Sentinel Events Initiative. The bibliography will be of interest to scholars and other researchers, practitioners, journalists, and others.

Accessing the Bibliography Files

The bibliography consists of two RIS files.[2]

The files can be imported into reference, or citation, manager software such as Zotero or Mendeley. [3]

Reference, or citation, managers also offer plugins that let you insert citations from the bibliography into word processors. See information on plugins for Endnote’s Cite As You Write, Zotero’s Word Processor Plugin, and Mendeley’s Citation Plugin.

Submit an Article for Inclusion

NIJ welcomes suggestions for resources to be included in the bibliography.

Please submit any questions or suggestions for resources to be included in the bibliography to Scott Hertzberg, National Criminal Justice Reference Service reference librarian, at [email protected].

Date Published: July 10, 2024