Well backlogs and turnaround times for an investigator on such things as a DNA submission, you know a lot of investigators out there when they submit something in order for their case to travel or move along as fast as they want for the investigation, you know they want it right now, but a lot of times you know there is a backlog and the best thing you can do as an investigator is have you know all your prioritized submissions, so you know so they're not examining six or seven different things when all you really need is one done. If you have one test done on one piece of evidence that's your major piece of evidence that if you have that you're not going to need the rest of them, that's the one that should be at the top of your list. I know in our lab as far as steep costs we've had examples where we've worked cases only to later to learn that the case had already been adjudicated and that the prosecutors or the law enforcement didn't need that evidence to actually be worked for their case to be successfully prosecuted and in that case you basically wasted that time where you could be working on cases that that actually need forensic attention for them to go forward.