Exhibit 2. Violent felony crime offending rates in Texas for U.S.-born citizens, documented immigrants, and undocumented immigrants
This image is exhibit 2 in the article Undocumented Immigrant Offending Rate Lower Than U.S.-Born Citizen Rate.
Year | U.S. Born Citizen | Documented Immigrant | Undocumented Immigrant |
2012 | 210.6013 | 203.8391 | 101.5767 |
2013 | 211.0429 | 196.5369 | 92.69988 |
2014 | 205.6651 | 180.9417 | 92.11284 |
2015 | 209.0463 | 177.2686 | 101.5812 |
2016 | 211.3634 | 187.137 | 92.47569 |
2017 | 215.6888 | 175.2713 | 89.42319 |
2018 | 226.455 | 179.7509 | 103.5213 |