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NIJ 2023 Research Conference Panel "The Problem with Cannabis: Hemp, Marijuana Legalization, and the Farm Bill of 2018," presenters Vera Kachnowski; Ryan Vandrey; Nanda Srinivasan; Rabi Musah; Chris Alexander


The panel "The Problem with Cannabis: Hemp, Marijuana Legalization, and the Farm Bill of 2018," summarized research on cannabis ― defined as both increasingly legalized marijuana and illicit hemp ― and features presenters representing forensic science, research and statistics, cannabis policy, persons charged with crimes, and law enforcement interests. Discussions highlighted research strategies and challenges related to differentiation of marijuana and hemp required by the Farm Bill of 2018, detection of marijuana impairment, patterns and impacts in federal sentencing related to marijuana possession offenses, stakeholder perspectives, and implications for policy and practice.

From left to right: Vera Kachnowski; Ryan Vandrey; Nanda Srinivasan; Rabi Musah; and Chris Alexander