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Decide Your Time Protocol


Intensive supervision probationers who failed a urine test, or who flowed up to intensive supervision from a lower level of probation for failed urine tests, were eligible for the Decide Your Time (DYT) protocol. The probation officer provided notification of the DYT protocol at their initial meeting. Over a two-week Start-Up Phase, the probationer prepared a sobriety plan before entering Phase 1. Phase 1 required random urine tests weekly and compliance with all conditions of their probation (incl. negative urine tests, no new crimes, and treatment mandates). If compliant for 90 days, the probationer exited the DYT protocol for a lower level of supervision. If noncompliant, the probationer moved to Phase 2 which required four days hold in the Probation Violation Center (PVC), Saturday treatment sessions, and two scheduled urine tests weekly for 30 days. If still noncompliant, the probationer moved to Phase 3 which required 6 pm curfew, Saturday treatment sessions, and two scheduled urine tests weekly for 30 days. The incentive for 30 day compliance during Phase 2 or 3 was movement back to Phase 1. If noncompliant during Phase 3, the probationer temporarily moved to Phase 4 which required five days in the PVC before moving back to Phase 3. If noncompliance continued after Phase 4, the probationer exited the DYT protocol for a formal violation of probation hearing before a judge.

The DYT protocol was a graduated system of sanctions and incentives applied within the probation system:

  • Start-Up Phase: Initial meeting with probation officer for notification of DYT protocol, followed by two weeks to prepare a sobriety plan.
  • Phase 1: Random urine tests weekly and compliance with all probation conditions for 90 days; if compliant exit protocol for lower supervision level.
  • Phase 2: If noncompliant, four days Probation Violation Center (PVC) hold, Saturday treatment sessions, and two scheduled urine tests weekly for 30 days; return to Phase 1.
  • Phase 3: If noncompliant, 6 pm curfew, Saturday treatment sessions, and two scheduled urine tests weekly for 30 days; return to Phase 1.
  • Phase 4: If noncompliant once, five days PVC hold before return to Phase 3; if noncompliant twice, exit protocol for violation of probation hearing