Figure 1. Main Categories and Subcategories of the Criminal Justice Technology Taxonomy
From the article "Identifying Technology Needs and Innovations to Advance Corrections," January 30, 2016.
To help frame the discussion for its Priority Criminal Justice Needs Initiative, the RAND Corporation divided corrections technology and practices into five main categories and multiple subcategories.
- Facility operations and population services, which covers technologies and practices related to running facilities, including architecture; infrastructure; logistics; physical security technologies; and processes and technology related to delivering products, education, and health care to in-facility populations.
- Person-worn equipment and weapons/force, which covers uniforms, protective and augmenting clothing, basic staff equipment, and both lethal and less-than-lethal weapons.
- Information and communications, which covers information technology systems; sensors, information collection devices, and laboratory testing tools; analytic and information management techniques and systems; practices and technologies related to information- sharing; and communication devices and techniques of all types.
- Vehicles, which covers ground, air, and water vehicles, as well as associated modifications and technologies.
- Doctrine, tactics, management, and behavioral knowledge development and training, which covers education and training of leadership, practitioners, and specialists; policy and legal innovation; and training technologies.
Source: Based on Figure S.1 in Fostering Innovation in Community Corrections: Identifying High-Priority Technology and Other Needs for the U.S. Corrections Sector (pdf, 161 pages).