NCJ Number
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3 pages
This article discusses the work of California's Department of Correction's (CDOC's) Technology Transfer Committee.
The CDOC's Technology Transfer Committee has worked for the past 20 years to bring relevant technology to corrections by bridging the gap between government and industry. While the Committee does not fund the development of new technologies, it does test and evaluate technologies for corrections use. The Committee works with private industries to communicate its technological needs; industries then develop products with their own funds and, if they are effective, they are guaranteed a market. This Technology Transfer Committee model can be utilized by corrections agencies in any State. Also offered in this article is a textbox describing emerging technologies brought to the CDOC by the Technology Transfer Committee that are expected to "revolutionize prisons forever." One technology involves electronic wrist monitoring bands to be worn by inmates and correctional officers that will utilize radio-frequency signals to identify the exact location of each individual within the facility. Contact information is provided.
Date Published: January 1, 2001
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