One hundred twenty-six offenders were interviewed shortly after they began probation; 107 of them were interviewed approximately 6-8 months after the first interview. Case files provided information on gender, race, age, offense, district, supervision level, risk, need, probation conditions, probation contacts, noncompliance with probation conditions, criminal activity during community supervision, and other factors. Results revealed that probation reduced the self-reported criminal activities of the offenders. Younger males self-reported more criminal activities than did other groups. Offenders were more likely to be involved in criminal activity during the months when they were in school, using illegal drugs, or drinking alcohol heavily. Probation was more effective in reducing the criminal activities of older offenders than of younger offenders. Individuals with mental health counseling as a condition of probation self-reported fewer criminal activities than others. Self-reported criminal activities were also less likely to occur in months when probationers had personal contact with their probation officer or were assigned to the day reporting center. Tables, figures, 15 references, and study instruments
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