In this issue, four feature articles address OJJDP Administrator Harp's comments at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice annual conference on June 27-30, 2018; OJJDP's coordination of the National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation; OJJDP's demonstration of youth suicide prevention virtual simulation at the UNITY Conference; and OJJDP's hosting of the staff session on the Averted School Violence Initiative.
"Administrator Harp Addresses Coalition for Juvenile Justice Annual Conference" summarizes her comments related to the conference theme, "At the Intersections: How Federal, State, and Local partners Can Work Together to Improve Juvenile Justice." She noted OJJDP's reorganization to improve its support for the states, OJJDP's annual highlighting of local successes on its website, and OJJDP's simplification of the process for states to apply for Title II Formula Grants program funds. "OJJDP Coordinates National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation" explains how OJJDP has cooperated with the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Justice Programs in providing specialized training to law enforcement personnel on child exploitation. This is an effort to expand the efforts and knowledge base of law enforcement investigators, prosecutors, and digital forensic examiners involved in investigating and/or prosecuting online predation and abuse crimes against children. "OJJDP Demos Youth Suicide Prevention Virtual Simulation at UNITY Conference" profiles OJJDP's partnering with UNITY (United National Indian Tribal Youth), which is a national network of 160 affiliated youth councils operating in 36 states and Canada. UNITY's mission is to foster the comprehensive development of American Indian and Alaska native youth. "OJJDP Hosts Staff Session on Averted School Violence Initiative" focuses on OJJDP's National Training and Technical Assistance Center's collaboration with the Police Foundation on a two-part webinar series that gives practitioners insight into the prevention of, response to, and recovery from incidents of school violence with or without a firearm.
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