NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2002
207 pages
Publication Series
This document provides site-specific outcome evaluation reports for nine grantees that participated in the Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program.
The grantees were Florida’s Department of Children and Families; Inter-Tribal Council of California; Iowa’s Office of Drug Control Policy; Lower Umpqua Victims’ Services in Oregon; Missoula County Office of Planning and Grants in Montana; North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services; Oregon’s State Office for Services to Children and Families; South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault; and Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services. Each evaluation report is organized into five sections: program description, a description of site visit activity, a description of the community context in which the grantee operated, presentation of the logic model, and conclusions. During the evaluation, two visits were conducted with each grantee. The visits usually included interviews with grantee staff, community stakeholders, local evaluators, and service recipients. The first visit occurred during the process evaluation phase and identified the domestic violence- and child victimization-related problems and needs being addressed by the grantees with the Rural grant, relevant community context, and the expected results of grant funding. The second visit occurred during the outcome evaluation phase. During this visit, interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data regarding changes in services, policies and practices, interagency collaborations, and the lives of victims. Where possible, quantitative data from criminal justice, health, and social services agencies was collected to examine changes and trends relevant to grant activities. Phone interviews were conducted regarding the outcome of grant activity with program staff, community stakeholders and service recipients that were unavailable during the site visit. All of the sites participating in the outcome evaluation had received continuation funding in fiscal year 2000.
Date Published: July 1, 2002
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