NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2000
64 pages
Publication Series
This guide provides an investigative outline of the tasks that should be considered at every explosion scene.
The tasks described are intended to ensure that proper procedures are used to locate, identify, collect, and preserve valuable evidence. An introductory section provides statistics on bombings and other explosive-related incidents. The first task described is the procuring of equipment and tools. This section provides a list of equipment and tools frequently used by the investigative team at explosion and bombing scenes. The equipment and tools are categorized by purpose; namely, safety, general crime scene tools/equipment, scene documentation, evidence collection, and specialized equipment. The second task profiled is the prioritizing of initial response efforts. This involves a preliminary evaluation of the scene, scene safety, the administering of lifesaving efforts, and the establishment of security and control. The third task described is the evaluation of the scene, which involves defining the investigator's role, ensuring scene integrity, conducting the scene "walkthrough," and securing required resources. Guidelines for the fourth task, documenting the scene, focus on developing written documentation, photographing/videotaping the scene, and locating and interviewing victims and witnesses. Guidelines are provided for the remaining two tasks: (1)processing evidence at the scene; and (2) completing and recording the scene investigation. 15 suggestions for further reading and appended sample forms and lists of organizations and investigative and technical resources
Date Published: June 1, 2000
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