NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2004
294 pages
This book presents recommendations for how the child welfare system, dependency courts, and domestic violence organizations can cooperate to address families with the co-occurrence of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment; it is based on phase 1 (January 2001-June 2002) of a process evaluation of each of the six national demonstration sites.
Following an introductory chapter, the second chapter provides an overview of the National Evaluation design and presents information on the first phase of the Greenbook process evaluation. Key research questions, methods, and data sources are presented for this phase. The first phase of the process evaluation focused on mobilization and planning efforts of local Greenbook sites. The information presented in this report is more descriptive than analytical and is meant to portray a baseline profile of Greenbook sites, systems, and experiences with collaboration among the three entities involved in addressing the needs of women and children victimized by domestic violence. Chapter 3, which focuses on "Community Context," contains information on the distinctive community backgrounds and histories of each of the six sites, as well as information on their primary systems and system capacities prior to the Greenbook initiative. In discussing mobilization and collaboration, chapter 4 details the processes by which the sites recruited agencies and individuals to the local Greenbook initiatives, including specific strategies used to build trust, sustain interest, and maintain viable collaborations. Local Greenbook governance structures are described, and data are presented on factors that hindered and facilitated collaboration at the community level. Chapter 5 describes planning activities undertaken by the sites during the first phase of the initiative. The chapter discusses the processes by which sites conducted resource and needs assessments, prioritized local Greenbook goals, and developed logic models. Also, the role of Federal and local capacity-building and support for Greenbook are described. Information on training and technical assistance is provided. The concluding chapter summarizes lessons learned to date. Lessons learned pertain to the important role of project coordinators and local research partners; the importance of logic models; the need to engage more players in local initiatives, especially law enforcement; the importance of maintaining flexibility in and constantly attending to the collaborative process; the need for more planning time; and the need for more guidance and structure from the Federal and national evaluation teams. Site-specific reports are attached.
Date Published: February 1, 2004
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