NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2013
13 pages
This is the executive summary of a report on the activities of the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCoe) for 2012 and 2013 and projected for 2014.
The FTCoE operates under a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in supporting the implementation of new forensic technology by end users. Services and resources are customized to support functions of the criminal justice system. The FTCoE disseminated NIJ-funded research and delivered technology assistance and Web-based technology-transfer workshops to approximately 10,000 registered practitioners from January 1, 2012, through November 30, 2013. In addition, the FTCoE disseminated NIJ-funded research through workshops at the 2012 and 2013 meetings of the American Academy of Forensic Science, as well as the 2013 meeting of the International Association of Identification. In addition, the FTCoE hosted two Technology Working Group events. In support of NIJ's research and development program, the FTCoE created performance metrics and conducted an evaluation of NIJ-funded research in order to identify future technology-transfer opportunities. The FTCoE also evaluated 8 new technologies; sponsored 6 technology-transfer events; supported outreach to 42 events; and made 19 presentations on forensic technology to the forensic science community. Some planned activities for 2014 are described in this report. The report notes that over the past 24 months of operation, the FTCoE has been funded only with the fiscal year 2011 awarded funds. Detailed descriptions of FTCoE's activities are presented under the categories of research and development programs; performance metrics on NIJ-funded research and development (R&D) projects for 2005-2011; NIJ R&D portfolio technology transitioning evaluation and planning; technology working groups; NIJ-funded research presentations and dissemination; the adoption of new technology and technology transfer; technology assistance; technology evaluation; and outreach.
Date Published: December 1, 2013
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