This DVD provides information on the use of ecstasy in an attempt to increase public awareness on the extent of the problem and the dangers to youth using ecstasy.
Developed by the Marathon County Sheriff's Department, and the State of Wisconsin, Office of Justice Assistance and supported by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Policing Services, the goal of this DVD is to present the facts, determine the extent of the problem, and reduce the demand of the drug, ecstasy, also known as the 'love drug' and 'club drug'. This was accomplished through informative interviews with recovering addicts and law enforcement and treatment professionals. These individuals describe the many kinds of damage caused by ecstasy and other drug abuse. The DVD discusses the following questions: (1) what is ecstasy; (2) who uses ecstasy and why; (3) what are the consequences; and (4) what, if you need help? The abuse of ecstasy, a chemical stimulant, can have long-term health effects, such as short-term memory loss, high blood pressure, liver damage, and even death. The more that is known, the better prepared individuals are to avoid ecstasy use, to notice the signs of others' use, and to help those who are using.
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