NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2015
11 pages
Since there has been limited research to date on whether a practitioner toolkit fosters the successful design, implementation, and use of evaluation findings, the current study conducted a multi-site project that developed a practitioner evaluation toolkit and then studied the extent to which the toolkit and accompanying technical assistance were effective in promoting successful completion of local-level evaluations and fostering instrumental use of the findings (i.e., whether programs directly used their findings to improve practice, see Patton, 2008).
In large-scale, multi-site contexts, developing and disseminating practitioner-oriented evaluation toolkits are an increasingly common strategy for building evaluation capacity. Toolkits explain the evaluation process, present evaluation design choices, and offer step-by-step guidance to practitioners. In the current project, forensic nurse practitioners from six geographically dispersed service programs completed methodologically rigorous evaluations; and all six programs used the findings to create programmatic and community-level changes to improve local practice. Implications for evaluation capacity-building are discussed. (Publisher abstract modified)
Date Published: October 1, 2015
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