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Addicted Women and Crime

NCJ Number
Criminology Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Dated: (1987) Pages: 359-397
Date Published
39 pages
The relationship between women's narcotics use and crime is examined among Anglo and Chicana methadone maintenance clients.

Three types of analyses are employed: (1) the temporal ordering between narcotics involvement and criminal activities; (2) comparisons of crime levels before and after critical events in the addiction career, including narcotic initiation, addiction, last daily use, first treatment entry, and first treatment discharge; and (3) crime levels as a function of increasing narcotics use. Women in this study demonstrate extensive criminal involvement and some also engage in dealing and/or prostitution. Property crime activities precede the addiction career for many women but, once addicted, the amount of property crime committed appears to be generally regulated by narcotics use levels. After the addiction career, property crime decreases substantially. Chicanas, in general, display higher baseline pretreatment criminal activity and show fewer changes in crime levels than Anglo women in reaction to events such as treatment or termination of addiction career. (Publisher abstract)

Date Published: January 1, 1987