Current Concepts: Body Farm and Benefits to Law Enforcement
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan to provide additional training sessions for more advanced information on the topics covered in the conference.
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Providing Forensics Training to Rural Jurisdictions - NIJ National Center on Forensics (NCF)
Well-trained forensics specialists are integral to ensuring justice across the United States. However, in the country's rural states and locations, this training can be hard to come by.
The National Center on Forensics (NCF) is a partnership between George Mason University, the National Association of Attorneys General, the American Society for Clinical Pathology, and the Montana Forensic Science Division funded by the National Institute of Justice. This grant program aims to bring forensics training to the nation's underserved rural areas.
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Digital Evidence 101
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Coroner Liaison
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Use of Canines to Solve Crime
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Estimating Age of Death from Subadult Remains (Part Two)
The long-standing problem of estimating the age and sex of subadult skeletal remains has been significantly "solved" with the advances in understanding the growth and development patterns in the skeletons of young people. This is the second half of the conversation with Kyra Stull, an anthropologist and forensic researcher at University of Nevada, Reno, Danielle McLeod-Henning, a physical scientist at NIJ, host Jim Dawson.
Estimating Age of Death from Subadult Remains (Part One)
The long-standing problem of estimating the age and sex of subadult skeletal remains has been significantly "solved" with the advances in understanding the growth and development patterns in the skeletons of young people. Kyra Stull, an anthropologist and forensic researcher at University of Nevada, Reno, and Danielle McLeod-Henning, a physical scientist at NIJ, share more about this research with NIJ writer and host Jim Dawson.
Reading and Resources
Funding Opportunities for Publicly Funded Crime Labs, Fiscal Year 2017
This webinar will inform the audience of the changes to three programs available for publicly funded forensic laboratories and introduce a new program for FY 2017. Changes to existing programs will be highlighted and presenters will discuss the background and goals of the solicitations, recommendations for successful applications, application expectations and requirements, the review process, and the application checklist. There will also be time for questions and answers at the end of the webinar.
Solicitations discussed include:
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