With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous research and evaluation projects to advance our understanding of intentional, interpersonal community-based violence, including firearm violence. Specifically, NIJ seeks to fund proposals for: 1) research projects to advance understanding of community violence, including firearm violence; and 2) evaluation of community violence intervention and prevention programs, policies, legislation, and practices to include those targeted at firearm violence. As it regards research on community violence, NIJ’s interests include studies on communities where violence occurs, those who perpetrate violence, and/or those who are victims of violence. As applicable, studies are encouraged to focus on communities where the firearm and/or other violence is persistently high or where there has been a recent increase in violence. NIJ’s interests in evaluations of intervention and prevention programs include approaches intended to impact violence in the community generally or those targeting particular types of violence, tools to commit violence (e.g., firearms), or individuals who are hard to reach and/or at the highest risk of violence perpetration and victimization (e.g., those involved in gangs, traumatized individuals).
Number of Awards: 3
Total Amount Awarded: $3,298,823
Centering Youth Experiences to Address Community Violence: A Youth Participatory Action Research Project
Examining the changing dynamics of homicide in Los Angeles: 1990 - present
What works to reduce violent gun crime in focused deterrence initiatives? Estimating the effect of services and enforcement in facilitating desistence among prolific violent offenders in Tampa
FAQs regarding Co-PIs and new investigator/ early career opportunity added.
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